

2024-06-12 23:36

Why Artists Need to Stay Active and What Kind of Activity is Necessary

In the modern music world, being active is not just an option but a necessity. If you're an emerging artist, maintaining constant activity is key to keeping your name on the public's radar. Remember, you're not Kendrick Lamar, who can release an album every few years and still hold the public's attention. Even the most talented artists in the world continuously work on their presence to maintain audience interest.

Today is the era of short videos, and they have become a powerful tool for capturing audience attention. You need to use this to your advantage. Show yourself, your ideas, your energy. Come up with engaging concepts, create content that draws people into your musical world.

And what's most unfortunate is that potential freshmen often go unnoticed due to a lack of activity. You might have an amazing song, but if you don’t make noise around it, few people will know about your talent. Don’t miss the opportunity to share your creativity, provoke discussions, and create buzz. The more active you are, the more chances you have to attract attention to your music.

Today's realities require effective management of resources, including time and money. Why waste so much energy and funds on a fully FINISHED SONG if it doesn’t generate PUBLIC INTEREST? That's why testing your ideas with snippets has become so important. This small piece of your future work allows you to get feedback from the audience early on, before you invest in a full production.

Additionally, using short videos can help you achieve significant audience reach and create anticipation around your music. When listeners start eagerly waiting for your music, it's a sign that you should move forward with a full song. At this point, you will be confident that your work won’t go unnoticed since you have feedback and confirmation of audience interest.

Therefore, instead of immediately creating a full track, take the time to test your idea with snippets and short videos. When you’re ready for the next step, prioritize quality by purchasing a beat, ordering mixing and mastering, and getting a professional cover for your future hit on streaming platforms.

To make this easier for you, we have created a special offer for your snippets, as well as prepared templates for your projects. (link here)